Top 10k strings from Bulbo and the Lizard-King (1987)(Zenobi Software).dsk
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36 Track-Info 10 BUL1 5 4 LOADONE 4 DISK 4 BUL2 4 BUL0 4 BPIC 3 XXX88x88((( 3 HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW 3 BUL3 BK1 3 BGUIDE 3 BGLOAD 3 ;"CREDITS"; 3 89:;<=>?@ABCDEFG 2 ~<<|`~ff~<~~ 2 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2 Fhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2 CODE2 2 BUL4 BK3 2 ;"Gilsoft for the Quill"; 2 8p``<~ff<f~<<~F~> 1 }>?Track-Info 1 |?"#|?",|?"5|?";|?"H|? 1 {9:-{9:6{;#={;#F{;#N{;`X{;`a{;`i{; 1 xhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1 xTrack-Info 1 lmnopqrstuvwxyz{PLUS3DOS 1 hhhh````````hhhh 1 g)gNgegrg{g 1 ``p<?=:5:5:4:48480( 1 ```````hhhh@ 1 ``` FFFFFF 1 ``` ``` 1 XX^88x88((( 1 UKJVUMJYTTIIH 1 TPUSQSTPUSQSTPUSQSTPUSQSTPUSQSTPUSQSTPUSQSTPUSQS 1 PPPPPPxx888xxx 1 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 1 PPPPPPPPPPPPP 1 PPPPPPPPPPP8888PpxpxpP8P88888PPPPPPPPPPPPPP8888ppppppp8P88888PPPPPPPPPPPPPP88``XpppppC`` 8888PPPPPPPPPPPPPP88``\pppppCD``` 88PPPPPPPPPPPPPP8```\tpppf\D```pppPPPPPPPPPPPPPP8```\tffff\`8``pxpPPPPPPPPPPPPPP8```````````888pXpPPPPPPPPPPPPPP8``p````````8888X8PPPPPPPPPPPPPP8``pffpppffx888pppPPPPPPPPPPPPPP888pNpprppN8888phpPPPPPPPPPPPPPP8888MMHxHMM88888h8888PPPPPPPPPPP8888hhhuhhh88888h8888 1 PPPPPPPPPP8PC`XXPpppppPXP8888888 1 PPPPPPPPPP8888hhh}hhh88888j88888PPPPPPPPPP8888hhhhhhh8888PPP8888888888888P8DD8hhh(hhh8888PPP88888888888888DDDD@GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDDDDDEDDEEF 1 POKE 24968,64: REM locked 1 PDGGGBPPBBBPPBxxx 1 GUIDESE 1 GGGPPVVPPB 1 FSGLOAD 1 FINPIC 1 FGDDDCDDDDE 1 FFFFFFFFFFEEEEEFFFFFFCCCCCCGFFFFFEEEEEE 1 FFFFEEEEEEEE 1 EXTENDED CPC DSK File 1 EEEEEEEFFFF 1 CPDRead v3.24 1 CODE1 1 CGGGxCCCKKK 1 CGGCCCGGCGG 1 CGCCCGGCGG 1 Boggittish 1 BUL7 BK7 1 BUL6 BK6 1 BUL5 BK4 1 BGPIC 1 BBGBBBVPPB 1 ?Track-Info 1 ;"you wish to play" 1 ;"Shaun McClure for the artwork"; 1 ;"Sean for the Screen$"; 1 ;"SOFTEK for the compressor" 1 ;"Please select the part" 1 ;"Please note it will be necessary to use a tape deck to SAVE and LOAD your game positions" 1 ;"Pete for 'de-bugging'"; 1 ;"Pete for 'de-bugging 1 ;"O.C.P. for 'Art Studio 128'"; 1 ;"2:THE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE"; 1 ;"1:BULBO AND THE LIZARD-KING"; 1 ;"'Good Luck and Best Wishes'" 1 ;" Press a key to continue ... " 1 8xxx88GGGF 1 888<?spppx 1 88888888888888888888888PPPPPP8888888888888888888888888PPPPPPPPPP88888PPPPPP8888888888PPPPPPPPP8PC`88 1 7Track-Info 1 2","2","17","3","29","0","192","2","18","4","31","0","192","4","21","6","27","0","19 1 0 0(0(4(TjThThTh 1 ,*:^]]M.>> 1 +d3d:dAdJdVdbdidpdwd~d 1 *5*4*4*4(4 1 (***zxzzx.F 1 "$EJRTT8(8 1 !v`6\#6Y##6 1 p|>310008 1 !"#$%&'()* 1 @ U*U*U*U*T( 1 '''''' 1 '''''